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What is a stretch pallet machine?

The device (stretch pallet – stretch pallet – screw pallet – strap pallet), which are all pallet packaging machines, can wrap the stretch film (plastic – nylon – nylon – wrap – cellophane) around the product pallet (due to the stickiness and elasticity of the stretch film). ) to wrap

These devices consist of 3 main parts: The rotating part (plate or mast) in this part has 2 modes, either the product pallet turns (rotating plate) or the product pallet is fixed and the mast rotates around it (gate), each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will discuss them further.

The stretch film lifting column part of this part has almost the same use in both models above, and the job of this part is to move the roll of stretch film up and down in order to overlap. Nylon stretch section. This section is related to the mechanism of the stretch of the film around the product, which is divided into 2 types: Stretching the film through the pad with this mechanism adjusts the amount of tension through the brake installed with the pad on the bearing on which the film is placed.

The stretch of the film through the pre-stretch motor (Pre Stretch) in this film system passes between 2 big rubber balls that are connected to a motor and the film stretch is adjusted by changing the speed of this motor. In addition, these 2 balls have different speeds and the film is pre-stretched at a distance of 10 cm between them (reduction of consumption up to 300%). Choose the expected quantity and quality of packaging correctly and at the lowest price, so stay with us…….

Types of stretch pallet machines 1- Rotating plate stretch pallet machine